Carla’s Quinceañera
“Even though you are now a señorita, in our eyes, you will always be our dear little girl.”
–Veronica, FHC caregiver
Every eye was fixed on Nelcy, Carla’s* madrina (godmother) as she removed Carla’s flat shoes and transitioned her to her first pair of high heels. It was the moment everyone had been waiting for. Carla was leaving behind girlhood and was officially a señorita, a young lady.
Happy, celebrated, loved. That is how YOU made Carla feel during her quinceañera (fifteenth birthday), one of the most significant events of a young woman’s life in Ecuador marking her passage from childhood to womanhood. And Carla looked as radiant as she felt. A beautician had come prior to the festivities to style her curls and apply subtle makeup, accenting her beautiful large eyes, high cheekbones, and glowing skin. Carla looked every part a princess in her pastel pink and blue gown embossed with flowers, a delicate tiara resting on her head to complete the look.
As Carla’s tias (caregivers) danced in a circle around her with raised arms waiting for their fifteen candles to be lit, further establishing her initiation into adulthood, the lovely young woman could not have felt more embraced. She was surrounded by those who had loved and cared for her since toddlerhood, their warmth as palpable as the flickering flames. Her contentment was evident by her smile lighting the room like the candles’ glow.
A special highlight during the festivities was a video presentation where pictures of Carla from her toddler years to the present were projected. THANK YOU for being a part of every step of her journey, for helping her to grow and develop into the beautiful young lady she is today. Of course, her memorable day could not have been completed without dessert-- a large white cake decorated with pink and green roses-- as well as speeches from her caregivers and friends. “Carla, you will always be in our hearts,” Veronica, the home’s occupational therapist told her. “Even though you are now a señorita, in our eyes, you will always be our dear little girl.”
You have helped launch Carla into her next season of life in such a beautiful way. Because of your generosity, Carla can face adulthood with sweet memories of her special day she will always hold close to her heart. This “dear little girl” who has been a part of the home for most of her life is indeed growing up. As we commemorate her childhood and honor her in the present, we thank you for investing in a bright and hopeful future for Carla.
*Name has been changed to protect her privacy.