Love, Healing & Care for Rebeca
A letter to you
Dear friend,
There is a little girl that needs your help!
As I write to you today, Rebeca* needs specialized medical care, care that she’s needed since the moment she was born.
Will you please send a gift to give Rebeca the medical care she requires?
Your gift will provide Rebeca with a dedicated care team, specialized treatment, and lots of love, helping her grow and thrive.
Will you please help Rebeca before March 24th? Your help is urgently needed!
I know you have a heart for vulnerable children. That is why I’m sharing Rebeca's need for medical care and the love of a family today.
Your gift will give Rebeca the medical care she needs! And your gift will support all the work of For His Children.
If you are able, while you read this letter would you send in a gift? You’ll love knowing that you helped Rebeca when she needed it most!
Rebeca needs your help right now. Please send a gift to help her today!
Rebeca, who is 2 years old, has been hospitalized 9 times in her short life. She has struggled with sepsis, convulsions, and respiratory difficulties since she was abandoned in a hospital in Quito. Her health condition is complicated, and she requires specialized medical care.
Will you please send in a gift by March 24th to help Rebeca get the medical care she needs?
Jen Thomas
Executive Director