To donate via check:
Checks may be sent via mail to:
For His Children
Box 912412
Denver, CO 80291-2412
Please indicate on the check memo line how you wish for your donation to be utilized (General Fund, Child Sponsorship or Tía Sponsorship).
To save money on postage, paper, printing, and handling, we prefer to send receipts via email. Please write your email address legibly below your name and address on the face of the check. If you do not use email, please write “no email” on the front of the check so that we can update our records.
To donate via PayPal click “Donate” below:
To donate cryptocurrency to FHC click the button below:
To donate a gift of stock to FHC:
For more information or to give a gift of stock to FHC contact Jennifer Thomas at jennifer@forhischildren-ecuador.org or call 843-489-2181.
To donate to the Endowment Fund:
Your gift to the Clark and Melinda Vaughn For His Children Legacy Endowment Fund would allow you to transform the lives of vulnerable and orphaned children for years to come. Read more here…
If you’re interested in being part of the legacy of FHC, or would like more information, please contact us at Endowment@forhischildren-ecuador.org.